The World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2022 returns to meeting in person in Davos after two years, bringing together global business leaders and investors to discuss the most important issues facing the world.

Asymmetrica Investments and RollApp will host two satellite events, which will convene high level speakers and provide unique insights into investments in Real Assets.

The C level Management of Asymmetrica Investments will be present at Davos to discuss how real asset investments can protect your portfolio against the risk of sustained higher inflation combined with slowing economic growth.


Asymmetrica and RollApp

Breakfast Real Assets Insight Series


Monday 23 May | 08:00 CEST | Breakfast Real Assets Insight | Europa Hotel, Promenade 63, Davos

Agriculture investments: the case for investing in avocado orchards.

This panel discussion hosted in partnership with Roll APP live in Davos will discuss agriculture investments as a subset of real asset investments with a focus on avocado orchards.

We will discuss the return drivers and risks of investments in avocado orchards.


Thursday 26 May| 09:00 CEST | Breakfast Real Asset Insight | Europa Hotel Promenade 63, Davos

Real Assets as a hedge against the risk of stagflation

This panel discussion hosted in partnership with Roll APP live in Davos will discuss the inflation hedging properties of infrastructure and agricultural investments during periods of economic contraction from the perspective of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory.

We will discuss why high cash flow generating real assets can be robust investments against changes in interest rates.


Why Attend?

  • We want to understand the big picture and avoid the daily distractions from the news around the market turmoil. Our goal is to distinguish the signal from the noise.

  • Connect and stress test your views with some of the biggest names attending WEF Davos 2022

  • Identify blind spots and avoid missing important perspectives


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