Welcome to Asymmetrica´s Investment Calculator

Investment Amount (CHF):

Number of Years:

Understanding the Results:

  • Dividend Payments Chart: Visualizes the annual dividend payments and their cumulative total over your chosen investment period.
  • Results Table: Provides a overview of year-by-year values, encompassing the initial investment, dividend payments, and the total return for each specified timeframe.

Dividend Payments Chart

Results Table


Initial Investment (Year 0)

The initial investment represents the amount of money that the user invests at the beginning of the period. In this simulator, it is set to the amount entered by the user in the "Investment Amount" field.


Annual Dividends

Dividends are the regular payments made on the investment over time. In each year, they are calculated by multiplying the initial investment by the constant dividend rate.


Cumulative Investment Value

This value represents the total value of the investment in each year and is used to calculate the total return on investment in subsequent years.

Asymmetrica: 9% Dividend Yield

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”

- Chinese proverb.

Asymmetrica Investments provides access to impact investments in agricultural assets.

We structure institutional grade investments in agricultural assets. We go beyond ESG and sustainability and give investors access to impact investments with outstanding risk-adjusted returns. Our asymmetric investment approach targets niche investment projects with above average market returns.